Friday, April 20, 2012

Dear prospective ENG105 student,

Congratulations on working to get your degree in whatever field of study you so have chosen.  In taking this College Writing course, the best advice I can give is prepare to work.  If you are an inexperienced writer this course is for you, but be preapred to work hard because in my experience this was a difficult class.  I was never a good writer nor do I think I ever will be, but this class has helped me become familiar with academic styles of writing that will help me in college courses later on down the very long, long road. 

If you have never blogged before, get ready to.  I never understanded the fascination with blogging and honestly it is something I told myself I would never due, but in order to pass this class I guess I had to.  At least we didn't have to twitter.

Become familiar with writing papers in MLA format.  Before I enrolled in this course, I had no idea what MLA even was, but now I find myself writing all of my papers for college in this format.  Also be prepared on doing a lot of research for several essays in which you will have to write because as I have learned, if you don't know what your talking about, you can't write a good paper. 

Another topic which will be discussed is literary analysis.  This is extremely tough and I have no business giving anyone advice being that I still have no confidence in myself in this subject.  The only advice I can give is work hard on understanding what the author of the material was really trying to say so you can succeed where I have not.

All in all, this is a difficult, yet satisfying course that will leave you with substantial knowledge to help you in your college career.  Good luck.


Daniel Volpi

Friday, April 13, 2012

Creative Writing Prompts #49: What do you do on a rainy day.

Everybody hates when it is raining outside.  It just puts out this gloomy depressing feeling.  Usually what happens to is that all of the things that you put off doing before, you tell yourself you are going to do that day but it ends up raining.  At least that is what always happens to me.  I tell myself all of the time that I want to break out my golf clubs and go play a round of golf but I usually don't feel like going on the days when it is nice out.  I will go to sleep and say tomorrow i'm going and get all of my stuff ready, only to wake up to the sound of rain against my bedroom window.  But there are still lots of things one could do when you can't do anything outside.

The one thing I love to do when it is raining is sleep.  The fact that even though it is the middle of the afternoon and it is still dark always seems to make me tired.  Plus my hours in which I work are so crazy I don't get much sleep during the week anyhow.  So it is nice to catch up on it.  Another thing I like about the rain is that it gives me a chance to catch up on, or get a head start on homework assignments for school because my mind pretty much says "well you might as well get started, not much else you can do today."  The only downfall I had to that was that one day during a thunderstorm I was writing a paper for my one class.  It was not due for a while but I decided I just wanted to start it but ended up doing the whole thing.  Well as I was nearing the end of it, the power went out and my paper went along with it.  I ended up having to do the whole thing over again.  But as luck would have it, I usually don;t get to do these things on a rainy day because I always seem to end up working when it does.  I tell you , as a police officer, there is nothing like standing in the freezing thunderstorm trying to deal with accidents or other incidents.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Creative Writing Prompts #14

The most memorable house move that I had to go through was the only one in my lifetime.  At the time it was probably the most difficult thing I have ever had to do.  I lived in that house with my father, mother, and sister in the small town of Manville, New Jersey.  I lived there from the time I was born in the year 1986 until the year 2005 when we moved to Factoryville.  Both of my parents are originally from Archbald, Pennsylvania and when they both retired, they decided to move back here.  Unfortunately I was only 19 at the time, and was not financially set so I had to move along with them.

The hardest part of the move was the change.  For 19 years I lived in the same house, had the same neighbors, and hung out with the same friends that I grew up, and went to school with since kindergarten.  I kept telling myself that the move would not be too bad, because my entire family is from the Archbald area so it is not like I would not know anyone at all.  When we finally did complete the move to Pennsylvania, I found myself driving the two hour trip back to New Jersey almost every weekend to be with my friends who lived out there.  Eventually I started applying for jobs in the area and eventually gained employment at Wegman's in Dickson City.  While working there I became friends with a lot of my co-workers and began meeting more and more people.  I gained employment in other jobs, and made more and more friends.  Now I look back and remember telling myself that I was going to hate not knowing anyone, but I now have some of the greatest friends anyone could ask for.

In retrospect, moving away was hard at first, but it is not really that big of a deal.  Everyone is going to have to make a move at somepoint in their life.  Actually I am in the process of applying for jobs in the Florida area.  If, hopefully, I receive a job down there, I believe that move is going to be even more challenging.  But challenges are all a part of life.