Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Promt 106: What would you do with three wishes?

The first thing that I would do with three wishes is to wish for more wishes. Everyone who has ever been asked this question always stated that this is what they would do with their first wish.  If it doesn't work, then you still have two wishes left to go, and if it does work, well then you have a lot more wishes. 

In all seriousness, if I had three wishes in which I can have anything that I desired, my first wish would be a cure for all known diseases in the world.  I have known and seen too many people suffer from chronic illness, or pass away from a disease like cancer. This would be the first thing I would wish for because having to see loved ones suffer in that way is becoming too much to bare nowadays.  People should have the opportunity to live a long and full life without having to worry about possibly contracting a fatal disease.  The biggest factor about this is the children.  I see too often in the news children born chronically ill and end up losing the fight for their life shortly after being born into this world.

The second thing I would wish for is for all of the wounds that our soldiers have suffered during this war to be healed.  A member of my family was just recently wounded fighting for our country in Afghanistan.  Although he lost both of his legs, he is still keeping a strong and positive outlook on life and is doing just as good as ever.  I would wish this for our service men and women because for all that they do, they do not deserve to have these serious injuries completely change their lives.

Finally the third thing that I would wish for is to be wealthy.  I know this may sound greedy, but I think that this is one thing that everyone would wish for as well.  The wish itself sounds like I am focusing soley on me, but I would use the money for lots of things.  I would pay of all the bills and home of my parents, which is something I always told them I would do if I ever came into money.  I would also donate it to several police and fire departments becuase I have seen several with not a lot of new equipment and I want to aid them in receiving the best that they can get.

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